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NEO, ESMAP and the World Bank: Solar Energy Transition

NEO has been working with ESMAP, the World Bank together on assessing the technical rooftop solar potential for cities around the world. We are glad to contribute our industrial leading earth observation expertise to a global solution on sustainable energy transition. We are thrilled to see the nice visuals of our results with satellite imagery being featured in the technical report of ESMAP, the World Bank. 

Alan Lee – The World Bank, “Power Systems and Distributed PV” is the second in the World Bank ESMAP’s “Sun to Roof to Grid” series. The report surveys technical risks from rising penetration of grid-connected DPV and provides a menu of solutions to mitigate the risks and maximize technical benefits. Written for power system planners, operators, and technical agencies, the report also introduces issues for a non-technical audience. The report argues that many solutions for grid-friendly DPV are inexpensive, provided good system planning and operations are in place, connection rules anticipate future growth, and there is timely support to build the know-how of personnel. Inverters stand out for the valuable services they can offer when programmed according to an appropriate grid code. It builds on the series’ first report “Distributed PV in Energy Sector Strategies” which identifies nine use cases or applications to solve distinct problems faced in client countries. The third report, coming in early 2024, will cover economics and policy of DPV. A launch event to cover all three reports will follow.

Download the Report: 🔗https://ow.ly/3O2R50PW6Nk
Download Report#1: 🔗https://ow.ly/r8cN50PVeMH