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ESA-meeting in Frascati, Italy from 9 – 13 september 2019

The European Space Agency (ESA) organized a week from 9 – 13 September in Frascati (Rome), Italy. During this week, around 600 people (EO researchers, data scientists, non-space corporates, tech leaders, entrepreneurs, up to startup and innovators) from more than 30 countries discussed about the future of Earth Observation.

NEO contributed to this week by presenting our latest work on Object Based Automatic Change Signalling using Artificial Intelligence. ESA’s InCubed programme (Investing in Industrial Innovation) and the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) support the development of our innovative Infrastructure to automatically process and analyse different EO data streams with Object Based Signal Generators  (OBSG) using cutting edge techniques such as deep learning.

This new SignalEyes® system enables us to scale up our operations in volume, number, diversity and geographic spread and will create competitive advantage in providing satellite based change information services over the next ten years.