web analytics

Vision, Mission, Strategy​

Our world changes continuously. Therefore information outdates quickly. Satellites, aircraft and drones monitor our habitat frequently. SignalEyes is our way to use these observations and provide the analytics to update your information.

NEO provides unique information services starting from the changes in our habitat. Of course we keep on innovating these services.

In 2021 we monitor all buildings, roads, water courses, trees, fields, etc. in The Netherlands many times per year with an unmatched accuracy and completeness. From the changes we detect, we built value-added services on offer in our API. Examples are in crop management and control, tax register updates, pipeline monitoring, tree maintenance, solar panel location and size, etc. We work with you to customize the information you use or provide to your users and customers.  NEO is the first company on Earth with the capabilities to monitor an entire country. 


Our core values are integrity and openness. We monitor the planet because we care. Our people are smart, communicative and direct. It is important to learn and keep learning. We work hard to stay at the highest level of technology and work with universities and knowledge institutes in one ecosystem. We innovate by listening to our customers and oblige ourselves to successfully introduce at least one innovative service per year. We are an international group of around 30 geo-informatics specialists, developers and business developers and growing. We feel at home in our offices in  Amersfoort in the heart of The Netherlands. We have English as our working language. 


Our strengths are in image processing, object recognition and change detection with artificial intelligence. Often we serve our customers by partnering with the best companies in their field. We jointly implement projects and develop services. Partners are welcome to build services on our API.

We partner in:

– Het Coöperatief Boomregister U.A. (Tree Register);

– NEVASCO (international Dutch remote sensing value adding company group)

In map updating projects with a surveying component we co-operate with Facto-Geo bv and Geomaat bv.

We use products of PCI-Geomatics from Canada and are their local representative. We use imagery from all providers and are reseller for European Space Imaging and Planet Labs.

Information Security, Quality management, CO2 and Social responsability

NEO obtained the ISO27001-certificate for Information Security in 2017 and is improving its standards continuously. We are ISO9001 certified since 2011. We use the certificates to keep focus on quality and security issues in all work processes. The PDCA cycle (plan-do-check-act) is fully embedded and working.

NEO is obtaining the CO2-ladder certificate and reports its CO2-accounts.

We meet our Corporate Social Responsability in a number of activities we undertake.


SignalEyes helps its users to be more effective in what they do: faster and better information = better decisions, lower costs, more satisfaction, less spill, etc.

SignalEyes is our solution for monitoring with earth observation and other big data. Monitoring is observing changes and formulating actionable insights. SignalEyes provides customized change signals to its users. Our users have interests in:

  • Construction and demolition of buildings and parts of buildings (real estate tax, building permits, map updating, possible conflicts with underground infrastructure
  • Logging, cutting and planting of trees, e.g. we know all 125 million trees in The Netherlands
  • Changes in roads, railroads and water courses for a variety of purposes
  • Changes in agricultural parcels in geometry, physical aspects and crop as well as crop management activities
  • Changes in natural terrain with respect to changes in cover, shape, fire

SignalEyes uses an object approach assimilating imagery from most earth observing instruments and other open big data. The SignalEyes infrastructure and patented AI-based algorithms ‘watch over the objects’ the world consists of (buildings, trees, water courses, roads, railroads, terrains). Spatial changes are signalled and classified and reported to you in the language you work with. In SignalEyes we produce Calls-to-Action for the changes you really want to know.

The ‘Calls to Action’ can be sent as text messages or they can be consulted in our API and web services. The data of course contain quality parameters, source data, etc. A CtA is unequivocal and can also be used to check afterward whether the CtA has been executed correctly. That is the SignalEyes method.